B i o g r a p h y

Miguel A. Pico was born in Colombia, South America, and began studying Classical guitar at the age of five years following his family's musical background. He followed his passion and pursued instruction under some of the most renowned guitar masters, like Gentil Montana, Abel Carlevaro and Eduardo Fernandez from South America, Francesco Biraggi from Italy, and Enric Madriguera from U.S.A., among others. Likewise, he pursued further training at various music academies all over South America to develop a technique that not only honored the guitar itself but produced music from the instrument flowing with clarity and quality.
After working as the director of the music department in a prestigious international school in Bogota, Colombia he moved with his family to the United States in 2003, where he also currently teaches classical guitar.
Pico is recognized as a leading Classical and Flamenco guitarist. He performs regularly in venues including municipal auditoriums, music festivals, schools, churches, and community clubs. His stage extends to South America, Canada and the United States.
Miguel A. Pico is the author of several musical textbooks and has written many guitar compositions.
"A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist"
—Louis Nizer